Free consultation

Does your RAP* close the gap?

Connect with our experts for a free consultation call to explore how a tailored Close the Gap Action Plan can directly benefit your organisation and help you facilitate real change.

*Reconciliation Action Plan

Free consultation

Business leaders

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Close the Gap Action Plan Brochure

Considering a Reconciliation Action Plan for your organisation?

While well-intentioned, it may not always be the most practical or impactful choice. Instead, we recommend organisations implement a Close the Gap Action Plan.

Choose a Close the Gap Action Plan for

Practical change

Emphasises accurate cultural understanding and compliance, directly impacting lives rather than fulfilling a political agenda.

Goal alignment

Recommends actions that align with your organisation's unique objectives, such as employment targets and inclusive business culture.

Avoiding politics

Steers clear of broader political agendas RAPs may align with, allowing your organisation to focus on what it can control and measure.

Commercial relevance

Tailored to the specific industry and operational realities of your organisation, ensuring the strategies are relevant and effective.

Book your consultation

If you're navigating the complexities of creating a genuinely inclusive workplace and seeking sustainable ways to support Aboriginal communities, we can help.

Book a free consultation call to discover how a customised Close the Gap Action Plan can align with your organisational goals, drive impactful change and close the gap.

What we'll cover in the call:

  • Existing policies and areas for improvement
  • Organisational goals and people strategy
  • Equitable employment and cultural competence
  • Current action planning and impact measurement

Complete the form to book your consultation.

Need to speak to us immediately? Call 1300 640 903

Frequently asked questions

Download the guide

As a leader in your organisation, taking proactive steps towards closing the gap creates a strategic advantage.

A Close the Gap Action Plan (CtGAP) offers a structured, practical framework for businesses to make a real difference. This guide explains why a CtGAP is an essential tool for modern Australian organisations.

Complete the form to download your copy.