Payback mentality in Aboriginal culture


Payback mentality in Aboriginal culture

Shirley Crane

03 June 2024

5:01 min

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We recently had the chance to sit down with Shirley Crane, an educator from Katherine, NT. Shirley grew up in far north Queensland and has spent a large part of her career working with remote Aboriginal communities. Her deep understanding of Aboriginal culture gives her a unique perspective on the challenges these communities face today.

In this video, Shirley talks about the mentality of 'payback' in remote Aboriginal communities. She recounts times where she witnessed real-life incidents of payback and describes how this deeply ingrained mentality can lead to long cycles of retribution between social groups. These ongoing 'grudges' present significant challenges for police and government intervention.

Shirley emphasises the importance of understanding and addressing these cultural practices. Ignoring them only hinders efforts to close the socio-economic gap between these remote communities and the rest of Australia. The tragic death of a young man in Yuendumu and the calls for payback against a police officer further highlight the urgent need for culturally sensitive approaches to investigation and justice.

As Shirley aptly puts it, without open, honest discussions about Aboriginal culture, meaningful change can't happen. Her message is clear: to foster true integration and progress, we must engage with and understand the complexities of life in remote Aboriginal communities.

Other resources


Aboriginal culture series: What is humbugging?


Aboriginal culture series: Mining royalties in remote communities


Aboriginal culture series: Welcome to Country