About CtGR

We advocate for fair allocation of resources based on the specific needs of Aboriginal people facing adversity. Pushing back against the narrow focus on racial identity in programs and policy.

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Stories and resources

We tell stories from the front line, interviewing Australians with proven experience in supporting remote Aboriginal communities.

Our core research areas

Our comprehensive research aims to provide a deeper understanding of need and the aspects of life where intervention can have significant impact.

An Aboriginal mother and daughter sitting on a couch discussing secondary school options

Secondary school scholarships

We want to identify the most effective school scholarships for Aboriginal secondary students, based on need and merit.

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Aboriginal colleagues working on a project together in an office

Remote employment

We want to identify the most effective programs for Aboriginal people in remote communities to gain employment.

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Aboriginal parents holding their young child smiling at the camera

Prisoner rehabilitation

We want to identify the most effective programs for former prisoners to re-establish in their communities and reduce recidivism.

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Close the Gap Research Committee

We tell stories from the front line, interviewing Australians with proven experience in supporting remote Aboriginal communities.

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Pursuing this important mission requires solid financial backing. Close the Gap Research graciously accepts donations of any amount to further the cause.

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